Template Usage
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Device Management System Module Template Usage Help Document
1.Device Management System Module
It is the module that follows the operations for the device such as calibration and verification, monitoring the device inventories, instant access to the calibration report and history, informing the device and process managers by e-mail, and tracking the transaction costs.
1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/ Device Management System
It is the part where the infrastructure of the Device Management System Module is defined to be created. According to the definitions made, the data comes across.
Device Management System Module Template Usage
In the Device Management System, instead of the management of entering the actual value part one by one entered under a tab to the reference values in the measurement constants tab, the process of entering these values on a template desired by the company has been improved. There are 2 methods used for Device Management System Module Template Usage.
1-Device Management System Module General Template Introduction
2-Device Management System Module Device Category Based Template Addition Device Management System Module Global Template
In the device management system, the module is a form of global template demonstration process that applies to all devices. The process of introducing the templates requested by the company to the system is carried out. Qdms must be made appropriate when introducing the format of the templates requested by the company. When introducing the format of the templates, raplacements are used to make Qdms appropriate. The Raplecements (Short Codes) used for the Calibration Report template used are as follows.
Device Code | < CIHAZ_KODU```>``` |
Device Name | < NAME```>``` |
Category | < CATEGORY```>``` |
Brand | < BRAND```>``` |
Model | < MODEL```>``` |
Serial No | < SERI_NO```>``` |
Period | < PERIOD```>``` |
Transaction Type | < ISLEM_TIPI```>``` |
Work Order no | < ISEMRI_NO```>``` |
Device Responsible | < CIHAZ_SOR```>``` |
Location | < BUL_YER```>``` |
Last Transaction Date | < SON_ISLEM_TAR```>``` |
Next Transaction Date | < GEL_ISLEM_TAR```>``` |
Transaction Principal | < KAL_SOR```>``` |
Device Cost | < CIHAZ_MALIYETI```>``` |
Device Action | < CIHAZ_ISLEM```>``` |
Description | < CIHAZ_ISLEM_ACK```>``` |
Calibrator | < KAL_SOR```>``` |
Approver | < APPROVERS```>``` |
Calibration Report template format to prepare in accordance with the request of the company The fields to be used in the format of this Calibration Report template are written to the template format in exchange for short codes.
We need to upload this Calibration Report template format we have prepared in the SAT```>BSAT
>```Configuration Settings menu in the Report Formats menu. Report Formats
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Editing Report Formats
It is the menu where the necessary arrangements are made in the formats of the reports in the modules and new report formats are added. In the Device Management System Module, the upload of report formats is performed from this menu.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new report format is uploaded to the system.
: The report format selected in the list is displayed and downloaded.
: The report format currently selected in the list is deleted.
To add a new report format to the systemClick the New button.
With the "Browse" button, the desired report format to be uploaded to the system is selected.
If you want to make changes to a report format in the system; By selecting the report format ! With the (View) button, the report format is downloaded to the computer.
After the desired changes such as adding fields, removing fields, editing the report format on the report format, the name of the report format is not changed at all(New) button is uploaded to the system. So; The new report format created is defined instead of the report format that is changed in the system. Finally, we will have to come to the System Infrastructure Definitions```>
Device Management System\
>``` Device Management System Parameters menu and paste the value of parameter 48 with the right-click/paste command by selecting the name of the report we introduced to the Report formats Editing menu in the Device Management system parameters and copying it with the right-click/Copy command.
1.1.2.Device Management Parameters
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Device Management System/ Device Management Parameters
It is the menu where the system settings of the Device Management Module are made according to the wishes and needs of the user and the parameters are determined accordingly.
The Device Management System Module parameters menu is accessed within the scope of the Device Management System Module as well as the BSAT/SAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu. It is the section where the parametric adjustments of all Modules are made on the screen opened in the Bsat Module menu. When the search is made by selecting the Device Management System Module from the filter tab from the screen that opens, the parameters of the relevant Module are displayed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Correction / change / update is made for the parameter selected in the list.
: Search by filtering records.
: The data is exported to Excel.
If a change is desired from a parameter, the parameter to be changed is selected. The number of the parameter is typed in the parameter ID field to select the parameter. Or, if the number of the parameter is unknown, the parameter is selected by writing a key word related to the parameter in the definition section. Clicking the (Modify) button displays the contents of the parameter. From the parameters of the Device Management System Module, there is a parameter number 48 "Excel Template where Calibration Report Measurement Values will be entered". In this help document, we will define the Calibration Report parameter value that we loaded in the Report Formats Edit menu of the Device Management System Module 48 to perform the General Template definition process in the Device Management System Module parameter number 48.
Parameter No:48
Parameter Description: Excel Template for entering Calibration Report Measurement Values
Parameter Description: If an Excel operation is desired to be performed using the system when entering the measurement values on the device operation page, this Excel report format is loaded into the report formats menu in accordance with the system (by tagging the newly created or desired fields). The name of the report uploaded here must be defined to this parameter. If the defined report name has not been added to the Device category-based template, it is ensured to work according to this parameter.
System Infrastructure Definitions/ Device Management system / Device Management system Parameters menu is clicked. On the screen that opens, the number 48 is typed in the Parameter No field and the "Excel Template for Entering Calibration Report Measurement Values" parameter number 48 is selected.
While the "Excel Template for entering Calibration Report Measurement Values" parameter number 48 of the Device Management System Module is selected Clicking the (Modify) button displays the contents of the parameter.
The content of parameter 48 in the Device Management System Parameters When the contents of the (Modify) button are displayed, it is seen that no report format is introduced in the parameter value field. In order to introduce the Report Format we have uploaded to the parameter value, click on SAT```>
>Configuration Settings\
>```Report Format Editing menu. On the screen that opens, the Uploaded Report Format is selected.
The selected Report Format is copied by right-clicking/clicking the Copy command.
Copy Report Format By clicking the change button in the Parameters menu, the content is inserted into the value of parameter 48 displayed by pasting the field with the right-click/Paste command.
After defining the Report Format loaded in the Report Formats Editing menu to the parameter value in the "Excel Template where Calibration Report Measurement Values will be entered" parameter number 48 in the Device Management System Module parameters! Parameter recording update is performed by clicking the (Save) button.
After completing this process, when applying the calibration process to the instrument, the Measurement Values tab will come according to the Excel template we added.
1.2.Integrated Management System/ Device Management System
Device System Management is the part of the module where Device identification, Operation Execution, Operation History menus and reports are displayed.
1.2.1.Device Identification
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Device Management System/ Device Identification
There is a list of devices identified on this screen. It is the menu from which the device identification process is carried out. In order to display the General Template that we have defined in the parameter, it is necessary to first perform a New Device Identification process as a process step.
To add a new device to the list, click ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Device Identification/ New Registration screen.
Once all the required field information has been entered, the ! By clicking the (Register) button, the Device Identification registration process is performed.
After the Device Identification process, the types of operations to be performed on the Device will be defined. On the device list screen, click ! One or more of the operation types defined by the (operation types) button can be assigned to the selected device.
On the screen that opens, you can click ! By pressing the (New) button, a new operation type can be defined to the device.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Process Types of Process Identification of the Device registration process is performed.
1.2.2. Performing Operations
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Device Management System/ Transaction Execution
If the "Automatically open work orders" parameter number 26 in the Device Management Module is selected as "yes", all work orders will be opened automatically when the time comes. To activate the parameter, the System Infrastructure Definitions/ Configuration Settings/ Parameters menu is followed to reach the Device Management parameters page. If the corresponding parameter is selected as "yes" here, all work orders will start to be opened automatically when the time comes.
However, it is also possible to open a work order manually to trade prematurely. To manually open a work order and execute automatically opened work orders, navigate to the Execution of Operations menu under the Integrated Management System menu of the Device Management Module.
To add a new work order to the list, click ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Work order List/ New Registration screen.
After this information is entered, ! With the (save) button, the work order is saved and assigned to the person who is the process responsible.
When the trading time approaches, the number of days specified in the parameters is as early as (Parameter 25: How many days notice of work orders (Internal), 27. Parameter: By setting the number of days notice of work orders (Made outside), a reminder mail will be sent to the device manager and the transaction manager, and a tab will appear on the My Pending Jobs screen of the transaction manager as Devices to Trade. This work order must be executed by the scheduled Transaction date, otherwise delay mails will start to be sent. On the My pending jobs screen, overdue jobs are displayed in red, and jobs that have not yet reached their scheduled finish date are displayed in yellow.
The Process Principal will be taken to the work order list screen by clicking on the device code.
While the work order is selected in the list (Calibration report) button is pressed to bring to the screen where the work order report will be written. On the screen that opens, 3 tabs appear. After completing these processes step by step, when applying the calibration process to the instrument, the Measurement Values tab will come according to the Excel template we have added. SAT```>
>Configuration Settings\
>```Report Formats The Calibration Report Sample that we have installed in the Edit menu and defined in the "Excel Template where the Calibration Report Measurement Values will be entered" parameter of the Device Management System Module numbered 48 will be displayed in the Measurement Values tab. In addition, the Raplecements (Short Codes) used for the General Calibration Report template used in this report will be displayed on the screen where it works automatically on the system side. Device Management System Module Device Category Based Template
It is also possible to prepare a custom template for the Device category defined in the Device Management System Module. For this to happen, these templates must be tailored to Qdms with the customer. In order to make Qdms suitable as it is in the process of introducing the General Template, the Calibration Report shortcodes are also used in the Device Category Based Template Adding process. In order to prepare a custom template for the Device Category, we must first load the Prepared Report Template in the SAT```>BSAT\
>Configuration Settings\
>Report Formats menu. The next step of operation is clicked in the SAT\
>Configuration Settings\
>```Language settings menu. On the screen that opens, Device management System Module is selected in the Module area. In the Name field, the label code "lblKalRapExcelTemplate" is written. By selecting the resulting field and clicking the change button, this field is named. In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to define a Device category in the Device Category menu in the Priority Device Management System Module. Settings
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings
From the language settings menu, the names of the menus and fields seen on the QDMS can be changed. New fields can be added to modules. The requirement status of existing fields can be edited. The order in which fields appear on the screen can be changed.
When an existing field is desired to be modified, the TR part is selected. The field to be changed by selecting the relevant field (name change, obligation status, etc.) (edit) button opens. On the screen that opens, the parts to be changed are saved by changing.
In the language settings menu, Device Management System Module is selected in the Modular section. In the language settings menu where the Device Management System Module is selected, the Headings tab lists the defined fields related to the Device Management System. For the process of adding a Category Based Template in the Device Management System Module, the identification of the name of the relevant field is done in the Language settings menu. In the Language Settings, click the Headings tab. On the screen that opens, the label code "lblKalRapExcelTemplate" is written in the Name Field.
With the Label Code selected Clicking the (Modify) button displays the contents of the field.
Report Formats To be loaded in the Editing menu The name of the report is written in the value field on the screen of the Language settings ! By clicking the (Save) button, the field is defined and it is defined in the Device Category menu.
After this process phase, the Device is opened by clicking the Report Formats menu for loading the Operation Report in the SAT```>BSAT
>Configuration Settings\
>```Report Formats menu.
To add a new report format to the systemClick the New button.
With the "Browse" button, the desired report format to be uploaded to the system is selected.
By selecting the computer-saved Report format, the Report formats Editing menu is loaded. This Device Operation Report, which is loaded in the Report Formats menu, is added by not defining a Device Category in a Device Category menu for the Device Category Based addition of the Report format.
1.1.3.Device Categories
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Device Management System/ Device Categories
Device Categories is the menu where the category creation process of the devices to be used in the Device Management System is performed. In this menu, we categorize the devices by specifying what are weight gauges, what are pressure gauges and what are length gauges in general. For example, there may be scales and scales whose weight is below measurements.
To add a new device category to the list, click ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Define Device Category/ New Registration screen.
Device Category Identification On the New Registration screen, the Device Category definition process is made on the screen where the Device Category definition is made, and the Device Operation Report field that we define in the Language Settings is also defined. In the Device Transaction Report field defined on the screen that opens, the loaded Report is selected in the Report Formats menu and pasted with the right-click/copy command and the right-click/paste command in the Device Transaction Report field.
In step 1, the uploaded Report is selected by clicking SAT```>BSAT\
>Configuration Settings\
>```Report Formats Editing menu.
2. At the stage, SAT```>Device Management System \
>```Device Categories Definition menu is reached to the Device Category Definition menu defined by the New button. On the screen that opens, the Report Format loaded in the Device operation Report field is pasted with the right-click/Paste command.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Device Category identification registration process is performed.
After the Device Category Addition process is done, the IMS```>```Device Management System/Device Identification process is done. On the device list screen, click ! One or more of the operation types defined by the (operation types) button is assigned to the selected device. In the Integrated Management System / Device Management System / Transaction Execution menu, click the button in the upper right corner of the screen to add a new work order to the list! By clicking the (new) button, the Work Order List/ New Registration screen is displayed and the Work Order registration process is performed. After these operations, the process of adding a Template by Device Category is in the Work order List(Calibration Report) button is displayed on the Measurement Values tab on the Transaction Report screen.